Monday, January 19, 2009

Dinner - Car Camping - Grilled Pork Loin and potatoes

gluten-free grilled pork loin and potatoes

OK, we admit it, we like to grill and we like potatoes! We buy a pork loin just before the trip and freeze it. The second or third day it is thawed and ready to cook, so we get the fire going and start a couple of potatoes, then double layer aluminum foil and wrap the pork, smothering it in BBQ sauce (a call in 2008 found that Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce is gluten-free). Add some mushrooms for flavor and texture. When the fire is ready and the coals are hot, grill the pork, flipping it a couple of times (this is a messy job, but well worth it).
Try baking a potato in aluminum foil in the fire and melting some cheese on it at the end. Saute some veggies and re-heat the leftover rice from yesterday. Don't miss pouring some of the extra sauce on the pork. This is one of our favorites!

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